I Want To Tell You

Mid-week prompt or mid-week fever? You get to decide. Write yourself freely onto the page. Forget editing for a moment and just imagine the page desires only to be painted with colors of you.

I haven't a lot to say about this week except that it is full, challenging, and possesses many impossible things that we somehow have the power to accomplish. We're magic, and we should write about it sometimes, you know?

Here's an easy prompt. Did I say that? Is there any such thing? Haha, just you wait while I unleash the chaos!

Today's prompt is..... drumroll....: Easy

Tell me what that means to you. Or tell me what it brings up. Do share in the comments, dear friends, if you would?



I want to tell you that it's easy.
We come into life drawing breath
And quickly learn to expect it to exist for us.
I want to tell you that your sigh means something
And all these branches of thought are capable of hush
Of gently bowing in grace to a sudden burst of joyous rain
I want you to know there will be life on the other side of this night
And glory in the shadows you dance through to get there
Throwing your whole self into the cause of making each moment count.
It isn't easy, even if I want so badly to tell you it will be
For the sake of less labored breath
For the absence of panic and tempest and what it means to be at rest.
The haven will come. The harbor is just past this fog.
The darkness has truth for you to find as you navigate this tunnel.
I want to tell you that you are strong and fierce, soft and vulnerable,
And many more contradictions that make you magnificent
That make you a wonder
That paint your own love story real.



Jamie Bagley