Making Peace With The River


I'd been trying to let the river flow. See where life takes me. In my head, I used the word "obedience." Not in a be-a-robot or don't-question-my-authority kind of way. Just in a gentle following of where the water leads kind of way. The simple obedience to being present in the moment, to the moment. Ok, so it felt for a little while like we weren't going anywhere; spinning in an eddy that just would not let us go. Stuck. It really felt that way. And getting stuck can make a person panic. (Especially this person. If my fellow Enneagram 7's would like to wave back!) The panicky moments are a challenge to anyone trying to engage life fully. So when we finally spun back in to still waters, it was such a relief.

My husband and I got hired in the same week! After all that waiting, adjusting, obedience to the moments, and dedication to the art of existing (and thriving). It's still sinking in. But we are not sinking, and that's an amazing feeling!

I started work last week, and as you know, a new job takes it out of you- even if it's part time. There's just a whole lot of "new" taking up space that had something else in it previously, which of course means that we must put it somewhere. A good deal of our lives are made up of doing what is necessary, but in a prioritized fashion. Today, I reminded myself that blogging is a priority and it might be a good idea to let you all in on the good news of how we are moving forward!

My husband starts work in about a week. This is good, because it gives him time to get over the changing-of-seasons head cold the river decided to navigate us through. ;) I brought home all sorts of remedies from the drugstore in hopes that the symptoms can be halted and relief can be found. (Er, ah, bought?) Keep the family in your thoughts. We'd love to sail right through this one as quickly as possible.

As for the soul needs of September, I am practicing gratitude for the fact that fall, my favorite season, is beginning. I'm thankful I like my job and co-workers. I'm beyond amazed at all the help we've received to get us over one last billing hump after our savings ran out. I almost feel guilty for the relief I feel. It's a huge burden lifted, and somehow I just got used to expecting the burden to continue, and, and... what do I do with that?! I'm sure the river will help me figure it out, so for now I'm going to hold on to that feeling you get when you're gifted to watch the sunset with nothing else urgent to take you away from it. 

The sky is changing. The river is changing. Life is changing. And it's good.

Blessed journeys to you all and hopefully you'll hear more from me next week as I get into the swing of things.




Jamie Bagley