It's Been A While



*Taps on mic* 

Is this thing on? *feedback squeak* Oh good. I'll be a tad less shouty.

Hello, it's been a while.

Who's out here with me? Are you hanging in there? Me, too. Just barely, though? Is that what I'm hearing? Yeah. Me, too!

I miss you. I miss us. I miss our brave freedom climbs to stand atop a lonely hill where we shout across the canyons to check on each other, to check on our world. To say, are you okay? And also you look great; you're doing great! Keep writing and keep the faith.

You, too?

I don't know how many stragglers and survivors are left on here, but I'm sending out a signal, because who we are alone is made far better by who we are together (even though the miles and hours do everything in their powers to separate us.)

I'm here. And it's hard. It's so, so hard. I feel it with you, I promise, even if I've been quiet. (Sometimes that's why we are quiet.)

I love you. Let's make room for ourselves, our words, one more time. Okay?




Jamie Bagley